Certified Teachers

A teacher who has undergone the necessary legal requirements to be permitted to instruct at an academy. They are given a teaching certificate, which doubles as a teaching licence.

Special Education

To support the teaching and learning of kids with extra needs, the special educator works closely with teachers, other professionals, and administrators.

Covered Syllables

Syllables are also referred to as "beats," & teachers frequently instruct students to recognise syllables by clapping "beats" of words. A syllable also referred to as a "mouthful" of a word.

Certified Institute

A range of educational courses are offered by the institution. Students take classes at a training facility to acquire the information and abilities required to do a certain vocation.

What We Offer

We bring the best educator from various parts of the country for our students through our live online classes irrespective of the geographical distance.

Safety First

Classes by Regular Kerala Faculties

Regular Classes

Repeaters class timing 9.00 am to 5.00 pm

Certified Teachers

Classes by Regular Certified Faculties

Sufficient Classrooms

Air Conditioned classrooms, Residential campus

Creative Lessons

Full NEET syllabus coverage

Test & Training

Daily, weekly and Monthly OMR practice test

Study In Apple Medical Academy

Our complete continuous courses of 8/6/4 months, include excellent study materials, regular mock tests and interactive lecture sessions online with leading mentors.

Our team of Mentor consists of the best teachers from various leading Universities, highly qualified with combined experience of over 200 years which enables them to give deep practical and conceptual insights into the various topics

0 Certified Teachers
0 Students
0 Courses
0 Awards Won

WHY Apple Medical Academy?

Our convenient and user-oriented mode of lecture imparting enables aspirants to learn on-the-go from any part of the world through our live sessions conducted online thus bringing best of faculties overcoming geographical barriers.

We offer support to our students till the very end. We guide students for the registration process, send regular reminder and help fill out forms for registration for the exam.

Apply Now

We are a team of dedicated and passionate individuals sharing a common objective of supporting medical aspirants by making available of resources and training courses and alternative/additional PG Medical qualifications.

Student Says About Us

Separated they live in. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic country